The International Geographical Union (IGU) established a new Study Group on Land Use and Land Cover Change (IGU-LUCC) in November 1996. The major aim of the Study Group was the enhancement of research on land use/cover change in general, and in particular to contribute to the Land Use/Cover Change Programme (LUCC) jointly initiated by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) and the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) of the International Social Science Council (ISSC). The birth of the new Study Group was the result of the growing awareness among the world geographical community of the urgent need to include land use/cover change in global environmental research.
The IGU General Assembly held during the IGU 2002 Regional Congress in Durban abolished the distinction in status between a commission and a study group. This means that IGU-LUCC became the 'IGU Commission on Land Use and Land Cover Change' (C00.29).
- to promote the study of land-use change throughout the world as a geographical research focus;
- to stimulate the production and the use of land-use databases and maps of both the present and the past;
- to co-ordinate the comparative study of land-use changes and their driving forces in different regions;
- to contribute to the LUCC Program.
Chair of Land Use and Cover Change Commission
Monica Ştefania Dumitraşcu
Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române, Bucureşti
E-mail: stefania_dumitrascu@yahoo.com
Members of the Steering Committee 2020-2024
1. Monika Kopecká, Slovakia (monika.kopecka@savba.sk)
2. Mehtab Singh, India (msrana241@gmail.com)
3. Kohei Matsunaga, Japan (komats-a@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp)
4. Raffaela Gabriella Rizzo, Italy (RaffaelaGabriella.Rizzo@unicatt.it)
5. Lucie Kupková, Czechia (lucie.kupkova@gmail.com)
6. Bernd Cyffka, Germany (bernd.cyffka@ku.de)
7. Nicolai Dronin, Russia (ndronin@gmail.com)
8. Daniela Alexandra Teixeira da Costa Ribeiro, Slovenia (daniela.ribeiro@zrc-sazu.si)
Honorary members
Prof. Yukio Himiyama
Hokkaido University of Education, Past President, International Geographical Union
Sapporo, Japan
Prof. Ivan Bičík
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science
Prague, Czech Republic
E-mail: ivan.bicik@natur.cuni.cz
Secretary and web page administrator
Matjaž Geršič
e-mail: lucc@zrc-sazu.si
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